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Processing the pandemic

For painfully obvious reasons, there is anxiety among the ranks right now. Ellen Manning passes on some sound advice about how we process what has happened and move forward


Brands' pandemic performance and consumer loyalty

There’s a business case for digging deep during a crisis. Lucy Britner looks at COVID-19’s impact on the big drinks companies and consumer behaviour


Creativity in a crisis - how to pivot your bar

Nothing will make up for not having customers, but there are things you can do to build your brand and open up new avenues of revenue – if not for now, then later. Hamish Smith hears how to make the best of a bad situation...


Why there's no shame in being a lager drinker

Lager is somehow seen as an inferior beer, but that’s far from true, says Pete Brown, who here explores the drink’s image problem.


Spherification in drinks

Edible packaging has its place, says Professor Charles Spence, but is that place really in alcoholic drinks?


Irish Single Pot Still whiskey's next challenge

Can Irish single pot still whiskey take on Scottish single malts, asks Oisin Davis, founder of Great Irish Beverages.


Understanding mezcal

In the bar industry, mezcal is big, but still so little is known about this artisanal spirit. Tom Bartram takes you through the rudiments of a diverse and sometimes confusing category.


A guide to carbonation

Carbonation not only adds bubbles, but changes taste. Professor Shane Eaton talks us through the science between cocktails and CO2.


How magic and drinks have always shared a stage

The art of illusion has long been associated with the bar world. Charles Spence goes behind the scenes.


A guide to the ultrasonic homogeniser

If you're looking for super-fast infusions, the sonicator or ultrasonic homogeniser might be the answer. Professor Shane Eaton explains how.


Is there now regionality in American whiskey?

Tristan Stephenson hosted the Class American Whiskey Academy at Oriole, where he unveiled a new vision for categorising this growth sector


Why people choose the drinks they do

As some bars challenge traditional methods of helping people to choose their drinks, Prof Charles Spence looks at how aesthetic preferences may be linked. 


How to make Callooh Callay's Sausage Roll

Callooh Callay's Sausage Roll is more than a bar snack - it has become a major attraction. Owner Richard Wynne lets us in on his bar's (and mum's) recipe.


Big dishes from small spaces

Kitchens tend not to be a major focus of most cocktail bars, but while some literally put food on the back burner, others are blazing a trail in innovative dishes from some spectacularly unlikely cooking areas. Hamish Smith takes a bite of the best