
CLASS Winter 2022

CLASS Winter 2022

A bartender's guide to Nottingham

Liam O'Brien of Brass Monkey is your tour guide to Nottingham.

CLASS Winter 2022

International spotlight: Class explores Line in Athens

On a quest for inspiration, Hamish Smith visits Line in Athens, where he catches up with co-owner Vasilis Kyritsis who talks us through his pathbreaking new bar.

CLASS Winter 2022

The Manhattan - its history and falsehoods

A drink with a colourful, if erroneous, backstory, the Manhattan remains a classic among classics. Clinton Cawood traces its mukey origins.

CLASS Winter 2022

Exploring...Sotol (the agave spirit that's not really agave)

Previously thought of as a mezcal, sotol is a category in its own right. Laura Foster gets into the finer points of a spirit that’s looking to become the next, well, mezcal.

CLASS Winter 2022

Professor Charles Spence on harnessing fragrance in drinks

Prof Charles Spence, head of the Crossmodal Research Laboratory, University of Oxford, discusses the importance of fragrance.

CLASS Winter 2022

Techniques and trends ...Koji cocktails

Tyler Zielinski's first in a series of pieces on new techniques and trends narrows in on koji.

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Exploring the vineyards of Castello do Albola

Winemaker and director of Castello do Albola, Alessandro Gallo, shares his joy in a winemaking region of major historic importance.

CLASS Winter 2022

Monica Berg: Why diversity and inclusion are different things

Monica Berg explains why diversity and inclusivity are separate concepts but inextricably linked.

CLASS Winter 2022

The case for France's answer to Port - Vins Doux Naturels

Joe Wadsack turns to the country where fortified wines were invented to look at the sweet versions that likely came about in the 13th century.

CLASS Winter 2022

Every bar has its pillars - but how do you keep these people in place?

Mike Baxter says identifying the key people in your business is critical to success and longevity – and peace of mind.

CLASS Winter 2022

Playing with fire: Anistatia Miller & Jared Brown's trials on smoking spirits

Anistatia Miller & Jared Brown enjoy making a meal out of smoked spirits, thanks to a happy accident that revealed meat flavours from a roast could happily marry with the wood aromas.

CLASS Winter 2022

Why hot cocktails don’t have to just be relegated to Christmas

Hot cocktails don't have to play to the silly, saccharine and suffocatingly seasonal side of drinks. Millie Milliken reports.

CLASS Winter 2022

Hamish Smith on Sweeties: 'Two hits and four misses – and misses ballooned over the crossbar.'

Hamish Smith visits one of the big London launches of 2022, Sweeties at The Standard hotel, to see if the 1970s can ever be grounds for (good) cocktail inspiration. 

CLASS Winter 2022

Celebrity bartenders - a force for good or bad?

With a seemingly constant stream of ‘celebrity’ job-holders hitting TV screens, Jake O'Brien Murphy wonders if the bartender’s time will come. And what it might look like.

CLASS Winter 2022

Anna Sebastian on the drinks trends coming in 2023

From the economy to the environment to digital innovation, 2023 is set to be a year of great societal change. But how will this impact everyday lives in the bar industry? Here Anna Sebastian’s top trends to watch out for as she sizes up the coming year.

CLASS Winter 2022

We're in recession, but what does that mean for bars?

The recession is going to be the longest on record, says the Bank of England. So what does this all mean for bars and bartenders? Oli Dodd looks back to look forward.

CLASS Winter 2022

Filippos Filippopoulos on why you don't need the sun to serve aperitivo

Filippos Filippopoulos is gaining a following in Leeds for his Tabula Rasa aperitivo bar. He tells  Hamish Smith how it all came about