
CLASS Autumn 2021

CLASS Autumn 2021

Green stills - how scotch is aiming for net zero

Dave Broom reports on the progress being made by forward-thinking whisky producers aiming to reduce their environmental impact.

CLASS Autumn 2021

Why apple juice content is cider's core issue

Pete Brown lifts the lid on cider-making practices, revealing the shocking truth about juice content.

CLASS Autumn 2021

Cuban rum - the fast-growing category with regional diversity

Unlike most other countries with a presence in the category, Cuba has a very precise method when it comes to making rums, producing terroir-driven styles from around the island. Ian Burrell has the details

CLASS Autumn 2021

The psychology of menu typefaces

There is growing awareness of how the shape and style of typefaces and logos can influence consumers’ perceptions of tastes and aromas. Prof. Charles Spence dives into the mysterious world of synaesthesia

CLASS Autumn 2021

The hunt for grapefruit soda

In search of the perfect Paloma, Laura Foster teamed up with The Distillery's Jake Burger to get critical on the vital citrus ingredient.

CLASS Autumn 2021

Labelling theory - could bottle information be about to change?

Tim Etherington-Judge of Healthy Hospo and calvados brand Avallen explains how great changes to spirits labelling are afoot.

CLASS Autumn 2021

Smashing pumpkins: seasonal drinks in October

Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown share some suggestions for jumping on the pumpkin bandwagon to make the most of this perennial seasonal favourite.

CLASS Autumn 2021

Is the ride over? How the pandemic changed the global bar industry

Edmund Weil reflects on the carousel of global travel events that used to characterise the industry – and wonders if it will ever return to its glory days.

CLASS Autumn 2021

"We're at a critically important moment for the hospitality industry"

Revisiting his home town gave Jake O'Brien Murphy reason to question the way the cocktail scene is constructed and perceived – and left him longing for a more progressive, inclusive future.

CLASS Autumn 2021

An interview with the American Bar's Shannon Tebay

The American Bar’s new head bartender is only the second woman – and the first American – to hold the post. Hamish Smith catches up with her ambitions for the historic site. 

CLASS Autumn 2021

Bar review: Skylight Peckham

After an 18-month absence, Class' reviews are back. First up, Hamish Smith charts the rise - and democratisation - of the high-rise bar.

CLASS Autumn 2021

Anna Sebastian on creating a new hospitality culture

Anna Sebastian was one of many to leave operations this year. She reflects on what needs to change, if not for the current generation of hospitality workers, for those of the future.