Indian gin brand Stanger & Sons has partnered with industry non-profit Healthy Hospo to invest in a new education platform that focuses on health and well-being.

The platform aims to support 3,000 hospitality professionals around the world with lessons that improve sleep, exercise, and work-life balance.

“It moves my heart, knowing our collaboration will impact 3,000 hospitality professionals around the world,” said Jason-Candid Knüsel, managing director of Healthy Hospo.

“We are also very excited to relaunch our digital classroom, with even more educational tools which are vital for a healthier and happier life in hospitality.”

More than half workers in the hospitality sector are going through mental health and financial issues that have led to a global staffing crisis.

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Healthy Hospo’s relaunched digital educational platform aims to address the root of these issues instead of focussing on resilience and survival.

“At Stranger & Sons, we have always believed in building a wholesome community and look forward to supporting the trade through educational lessons which promote well-being and overall health of professionals across the globe,” said Dimi Lezinska, head of brand advocacy at Stranger & Sons.