One of Nottingham’s most respected cocktail bars, Cottonmouth, has closed its doors.

Opened by Adrian Whitehouse in 2017, the bar closed last week. A statement on Instagram, read: “It’s been a great five years, but we feel that now is the time to do something different with our lives, 17 years working behind the stick takes its toll!

“We are extremely fortunate to be ending this on a high, and on our terms…which we feel is something that should be seen more often in this industry.”

The owners are said to be “in talks with some wonderful, experienced and enthusiastic folk” who will take over the site, and “inject even more quality into our great hospitality scene in Nottingham”.

While the bar is no more, the Cottonmouth brand could continue under another guise.

“What happens next for the cottonmouth ‘brand’?…something exciting! There’s a few ideas in the hat for now, so you haven’t seen the last of us yet…we just need a little bit of time,” the statement read.