Pop-up bar Don's Farmacia will host an indigenous ingredients masterclass with bartender and indigenous educator Chockie Tom.
The masterclass will be an exploration of New World ingredients, with Tom talking through key botanicals and flavours used in the Don's Farmacia menu for their healing properties, including Epazote, Marigold and Hibiscus, as well as Cazcabel's tequilas.
Los Angeles-born bartender and educator Tom is an advocacte for indigenous and Pasifika visibility within the spirits industry and is currently working on a cocktail book which, upon publication, will make her the first Indigenous American cocktail book author in American history.
The masterclass takes place over two days - Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th November - from 7-8pm at BFI Southbank, Waterloo, SE1 8XT. The events are free to attend; reserve a space here.