Spirits Network

Media company NBTV Studios has announced the UK soft launch of Spirits Network, claimed to be “the world’s first shoppable entertainment streaming network”.

Aiming to bridge the gap between drinks content and e-commerce, a ‘Spirits Network Presents’ pop-up will take place in London Cocktail Week (18-22 October).

Working with a series of brand partners, Spirits Network will transform The Little Yellow Door into a multifaceted space for the week.

Alongside a bar and masterclasses for London Cocktail Week – which lasts a month this year - the Spirits Network studio will be holding open auditions from 12-5pm every day for its inaugural UK programme ‘Shake Off’.

Bartenders from across the UK are invited to apply and take part. From the auditions, finalists will be chosen to appear on Shake Off which will go live in December, marking Spirits Network’s official launch in the UK.

The series will see 12 contestants compete to "blend the ultimate serve" and impress a panel of judges, to ultimately be crowned Shake Off champion and win a cash prize.

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Throughout the series contestants will be challenged to create a series of serves that test their abilities, including creating their own version of a classic cocktail as well as elevating a brand’s signature serve with their own twists.

Each contestant will be judged on colour, taste, smell, finish and presentation of each cocktail made over three challenges. For the auditions taking place from 18-22 October no prior preparation is required, and a fully equipped bar and ingredients will be provided.

Bartenders will be asked to make a drink whilst answering questions about why they should be the Shake Off champion. To register, bartenders can visit Spirits Network.

Spirits Network has been broadcasting to US audiences, working with celebrities and world-renowned drinks experts to offer drinks content since 2019.